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Empire Americana 8-17-2013

One of the best nights of the summer for sure, not only was the scenery stunning and the weather perfect, everyone there was in a special mood of happiness and gratitude. We were all having a good time just hanging out in the mountains!  The line-up of music was second to none, each performance was spectacular. We are honored to have been a part of it! Thank you to Amanda Capper and Mark Buckland for helping to bring us there. I hung out by the camp fire late into the night and slept in the mountains and woke to one of the prettiest mornings I've seen. Colorado, you are so special!!

I should also mention the comradery of the musicians, I sat in with Amanda Capper during her set, and she had other friends sitting in as well. We had Amanda Capper, Brent Loveday, Johnny Reno and Satchel Gleason sit in for some songs in our set. The Yawpers had Brent Loveday sit in. Bonnie and the Clydes had a fantastic set as did Andy Palmer. Super day of music on top of a super day of people on a super day on Earth! :)

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